What Happens If I Don’t Brush My Teeth?

What Happens If I Don't Brush My Teeth

At the dental office I work at, we jokingly answer this question “brush in the morning to keep your friends, and brush at night to keep your teeth” – but there is much truth to it. In my 15+ years as a dental hygienist, I’ve seen every “stage” of not brushing your teeth and that combined … Read more

Are coffee and wine bad for my teeth?

are coffee and wine bad for my teeth

Coffee and wine fans often worry that their favorite drinks are harming their dental health. In fact, your morning and evening beverages could actually be helping your teeth.  Besides causing staining, which is solely a cosmetic concern, coffee, tea, and even wine are unlikely to cause cavities or other dental issues.  Want to see the … Read more

What Is A Deep Teeth Cleaning?

what is a deep teeth cleaning

Deep cleaning is technically called periodontal scaling and root planing, and is generally performed as the first stage of treatment for gum (periodontal) disease. It is intended to stop the progression of gum disease by removing the tartar buildup from the crown and root surfaces of the teeth. A deep cleaning is essentially picking debris … Read more

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

how long do dental implants last

Dental implants are designed to last for your entire life. That doesn’t mean they cannot fail, or won’t require any maintenance, but under ideal circumstances, implants are one of the most predictable procedures in dentistry. The long term (20 year) success rate for dental implants is above 90%, with 10 year success rates generally above … Read more

What Happens At A Teeth Cleaning Appointment?

What Happens During a Dental Cleaning? When you go to the dentist for “just a cleaning”, it’s actually a lot more than that. It’s a wellness visit and your appointment may include: Reviewing your health history and medications It may seem like information that they don’t need, but your dental providers ask about medical conditions … Read more

What Is Dental Prophylaxis?

A dental prophylaxis is a technical term for dental teeth cleaning. Dictionary.com defines prophylaxis as an “action taken to prevent disease”, and in the case of a dental prophylaxis, it is to prevent gum disease, both gingivitis and periodontitis. What does a dental prophylaxis treatment involve? When you go in to see your dentist and … Read more

How Does The Dentist Determine If I Have Gum Disease?

how does the dentist determine if i have gum disease

Periodontal disease/Periodontitis/Gum disease explained by a Dental Hygienist Gum disease is also known as periodontal disease or periodontitis. It affects about half of the adult population in the United States. How does the dentist determine if you have gum disease? Your dental providers will take x-rays of your teeth to see if you have normal … Read more

How Long Does Dental Numbing Last?

how long does dental numbing last

How long does dental anesthesia last? Depending on what anesthetics are used, how much is given, and how quickly your body metabolizes the drugs, how long the numbing sensation lasts can vary quite a bit. Lidocaine, the most widely used dental anesthetic, typically takes 3 to 5 hours to wear off completely. For surgical procedures … Read more